Saturday, March 31, 2007

What’s All This Then?

Well it has gotten to the point where I should talk about what’ going on here. First of all I would like to welcome you all to this new comic. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you find something you like.

So what is this? You are looking at a joint project between myself (Drowemos) as author and Master Krakken as artist. Yes I know I know there have only been three words in the comic so far. So what have I been doing? Well mostly paying for stuff. You see an artist of MK caliber don’t produce such an amazing product for free. I have to pay him. Honestly he deserves a lot more than what I give him but don’t tell him that.

Now this can’t last forever. I need to eat and pay rent and such. So I am hopping that once you, the reader, get involved in the story you will find the generosity in your heart to donate a small amount each month to keep things going. And if we can break the $500 mark we Master Krakken and promised to double his pace of production.

So what is the story? Well it can be described as a fantasy western. It is a world with swordsman and demons. In this world certain people have magical powers, powers giving them dominion over the dark forces. The story is set on the edge of the civilized word. Here survival trumps society and the line between good and evil gets razor thing. So is that vague enough for you? More will be revealed in time.

The comic will update once a week each Sunday-Mondayish. I hope to see you around here again.

PS: Please vote. Voting is like donating money but cost you nothing. Each vote click is the equivalent of donating two cents to the comic in term of advertising.

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